Thursday 14 May 2015

Theory of Automata CS402 Assignment No. 1 Solution 14th May 2015

CS402 Theory of Automata Assignment No. 1 Solution and Discussion Spring 2015 Due Date: May 21, 2015 spring 2015 vu semester

Q.1. Write Regular Expressions (RE) for the following languages:

  1. The language of all strings defined over Σ = {U, V, W} that begins with V, ends with U and having minimum length of 3.
  2. The language of all strings defined over Σ = {U, V, W} with V as the third letter and W being the second last letter.

[Marks 4+4]
Q.2. Draw Finite Automata (FA) for the languages in Q.1
[Marks 6+6]