Sunday 20 July 2014

CS506 Web Design and Development Assignment No 04 idea Solution Due Date Jul 24, 2014

Student Grade Book (SGB) of XYZ Institute is used to store and display student profile information and scores in different semesters. It provide facility to the student to find all the required information like semesters and courses studied, score in each course and Course Credits etc. at a single point. SGB will provide the functionality like to add student profile information and their score and also view this information.

As in the previous assignment you have developed a web based application for the Student Grade Book (SGB)  using java Servlet. In this assignment we are going to give practice on java web based application using Java Server Pages (JSP) technology.

In this assignment we are going to develop a web based application for the Student Grade Book (SGB) for XYZ Institute using JSP.

Solution Guideline
  1. You have to create “index.html” page contains four links i.e. HomeAdd Student Profile Info,
Add GradeBook Info and View Grade Book.
  1. Then create “addStudentProfileinfo.jsp”, “addGradeBookinfo. jsp” along with controller classes for these two , “viewGradeBook. jsp”error.jsp and success.jsp file.
  2. addStudentProfileinfo. jsp”, “addGradeBookinfo. jsp” and “viewGradeBook. jsp” pages are used to insert Student Record and retrieve data from student grade book respectively. The error.jsp andsuccess.jsp pages are used to show error message or successful insertion message.
  3. After the creation of jsp files you are required to write Java Server Pages (JSP) code for the pages mentioned in the point 2 and 3.
  4. Only use the template database provided with the assignment file. Make sure that there will be no modification in the database table or fields name.
  5. Use only “GradeBookDSN” as a system Data Source Name (DSN).

Idea Solution :">





First you will have to create a web page. name addStudentProfileinfo.jsp
After that add this page all other web page like this

After add the link in addStudentProfileinfo.jsp like that

like this