Tuesday 17 December 2013

CS605 Assignment # 02 Solution Due Date: 16-12-2013

Assignment No. 2 Semester Fall 2013 Course name – CS605 Total Marks: 15 Due Date: 16-12-2013 Objective: To learn the concept of project metrics Instructions: Please read the following instructions carefully before solving & submitting assignment: Assignment should be in your own wordings not copied from net, handouts or books. It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit (zero marks) if: The assignment is submitted after due date. The submitted assignment does not open or file corrupt. The assignment is copied (from other student or copy from handouts or internet). For any query about the assignment, contact at cs605@vu.edu.pk GOOD LUCK Q.1 Identify the “Metrics” from the following list and also specify the reason for your selection. 1) Project Size 2) Number of Developers 3) Bugs per Function point 4) Number of test cases executed 5) Number of test cases developed per thousand line of code 5 Q.2 Does the LOC measure make any sense when fourth generation techniques are used? Explain. 5 Q.3 What is an indirect measure and why are such measures common in software metrics work? 5 Note: Assignment should be in your own wordings not copied from net, handouts or books. Your answer should be “to the point”. This is a graded assignment. Read more at http://vustudents.ning.com/group/cs605softwareengineeringii/forum/topics/cs605-assignment-02-solution-discussion-due-date-16-12-2013?xg_source=activity#EIi3Uf5LJtGo5Mo0.99